The Arizona Pyramid

The Arizona Pyramid The odd shape drew me in. It was a mountain and I wasn't a geologist, but still something was just not natural about this.. we ll it was more of a hell, not mountain. I saw it on google and just could not help but think that there was something more here. Something that I needed to see. It has filled my imagination for months and now it was just six miles away. We parked the car at the trail head and put all that they needed in their back packs. James my partner, was just looking forward to a long hike. Sure, we had some equipment to excavate a small dig, but that was just in case we found something that looked interesting. We would stop and see if it merited something more. This is how many of these digs start. An arrowhead. Bit of bone or fossil. And the next thing you know hundreds of college inters would be digging in grids. But that was like hitting the lottery and...